The information below is what I send to people to help them get the most out of our time together.
Quantum Healing has changed my life in such a profound way and I am excited to share that with you!
I do plan the whole day for the sessions as they usually take 4-6 hours but may take longer as I try to cover everything in one session. The session fee is $400 cash regardless of length. I have a home office in De Pere (with a cat, and a dog) and I travel up to a half hour from there as some people can relax more easily in their own space. I book every day of the week, so any schedule needs can be met. Just let me know what works best for you.
It is important to remember YOU are healing yourself. I have never healed anyone. I guide people to do it for themselves. My goal is to get you to where you don't need me. In the meantime, this is the fastest, most effective way I have found.
Sessions are recorded and you will be given a flash drive with your session on it. Listening back to the recording is a big part of the process as it hardwires in all the new information we cover during the session.
Start the process early as the wheels are already in motion. You get out of it what you put into it as it is all you anyway.
To get more information about Quantum Healing, check out my video I did to help answer some questions
You can also check out
If you have any other questions, please let me know.
It is important that you come with no expectations. Know that your session is tailored perfectly for you, so don't expect it to be like anyone else's. That is very important. I created a video to help you leave these at the door.
I encourage you to practice guided meditations before your session, it will help you to follow my voice. Here is a guided meditation I like by Aaron Doughty and also one of mine. If you don’t like either of these, you can find other guided ones on YouTube.
Also, here is a good video by Suzanne Spooner about being aware during the session. Some people think they will be asleep or remember nothing, but that is rarely the case.
The first step
Relax. You already did it. Committing to this process has let the universe know that you are ready and things are already shifting to align you with the healing journey you are embarking on. Don’t be surprised if things ramp up as you get closer to your session date. It is all part of the healing so that you can get the most out of our time together.
What do you want?
What is it that you would most like to gain from your session? What do you want your life to look like in 6 months? A year? Some people have never thought about this, but having a clear direction of where you want to be heading is important.
Intentions are also important. A good intention for our session might be something like,
"I have clear & direct communication with my Higher Self. I connect with my Higher Self easily and effortlessly."
Prepare a List of Questions
Bring a list of questions with you to your session. These need to be neatly hand-written or typed, so that I can easily read them. You can ask ANYTHING (no judgement here) but keep the questions relevant to you, not everybody else. Five to fifteen questions/symptoms would be a general guideline. Please prioritize them (put the most important ones first), so that if we run out of time, we will have covered the most important ones. We will go over them the day of your session so there is no need to send them ahead of time.
Here are a few Sample Questions.
What is the purpose of my relationship to my partner in this lifetime? Have we achieved what we came to do together or is there more we need to do?
Are there other relationships in my life (past, present, or future) which you can give me guidance for?
Just list physical symptoms and I will ask the questions around them.
I’m feeling burnt out at my current job. What should I do?
What is my purpose here?
How should I proceed on my path for the best benefit for myself and others?
What changes do I need to make for a more joyous and balanced life?
What is the best way for me to communicate clearly and directly with my Higher Self?
What do I most need to know right now?
Why have I been finding so many feathers lately? Are these messages from Spirit? Should I be working with the energy of these feathers, or just observe them as messages?
What was the “spiral” tunnel I felt myself falling into when I drifted off to sleep every night when I was about five years old?
A few other tips:
Limit consumption of drugs and alcohol, even caffeine before the session
Drink plenty of water in the days before and after the session, but don’t drink lots the morning of the session (to minimize bathroom breaks)
Bring a light snack for after the session to help ground you back in the body
Wear comfortable and non-restrictive clothing
Block off plenty of time for the session
Don’t make other appointments on the day of the session
Remember, I am not here to “fix” you. In fact, I am not even healing you. YOU are healing yourself and I am merely your guide in this process. The power of this experience is that it is YOU (the Higher Self) telling YOU (the conscious self) what you need to know and how to heal.
My intention is to guide you to the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing that you need and deserve to become the best version of you. Through this process I intend to empower you by showing you that all answers lie within and are accessible by YOU!
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I only schedule one person a day, so if you need to cancel or reschedule for any reason, please let me know as soon as you can so that someone else can move up.
Matt Schmidt